Buddy Walk

September, 6, 2025 
Sawyer Point


What is the Buddy Walk?

The Buddy Walk is the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati’s largest fundraiser that celebrates inclusion and promotes acceptance! The walk itself is a one-mile stroll through Yeatman's Cove and Sawyer Point with jam-packed entertainment at every turn! Over 420 teams register online and over 15,000 attend the Cincinnati Buddy Walk! It is always held the Saturday after Labor Day.

What can I expect at the Buddy Walk?

The Buddy Walk is a special day for everyone! There is a pre-party in Yeatman's Cove and at 10 am, the drumline will kick off the Buddy Walk at the main stage on the Kroger Promenade. It is your day, so walk your way! You can hop on the walk route wherever you’d like. Along the walk route, there will be loads of entertainment including music, dancing, cheer groups, giveaways, and much more! At 10:30 am, the after-party kicks off and all participants are treated to complimentary food, drinks, bounce houses, music, activities, and much more! Please note, the Buddy Walk takes place rain or shine.

What do the funds from Buddy Walk support?

As the largest DSAGC fundraising event of the year, the Buddy Walk provides about 50% of the resources needed for the DSAGC to fulfill its mission throughout the year. With your help, we can continue to provide support, resources, outreach, and programming to thousands of people with Down syndrome, their families, and the community.

How can I get a Buddy Walk T-Shirt?

Everyone registered for the Buddy Walk by August 4 receives a FREE Buddy Walk T-Shirt! Team Captains will pick up their team's shirts during our "T-Shirt Week", which takes place Aug 31 - Sept 5. Check www.BuddyWalkCincy.org for times and details. We order over 10,000 shirts each year and LOVE seeing the shirts out in the community!