Ready to Hire

Employment Questionnaire

We envision a community that embraces, supports, and inspires individuals with Down syndrome to live healthy, self-determined and fulfilling lives. Oftentimes, meaningful employment in the community is essential for adults with Down syndrome. It allows them to utilize their skills, have economic self-sufficiency, enhance social connections, and much more.

Providing resources to potential employees and employers is an important part of our mission and vision. Our entire community benefits from a more inclusive workforce. Our organization is determined to provide resources to potential employees and employers through outreach, advocacy, and networking.

We encourage adults with Down syndrome and their caregivers to fill out our Employment Questionnaire. The goal of this questionnaire is to give the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati a better understanding of your employment history, desires, goals, and preferences. With this information, we will be able to help match employers with interested candidates who are qualified for the position and ready to become employed. Note, all information will be kept confidential until permission is given.

Remember, we are here as a resource, so feel free to reach out for support.

Take Employment Questionnaire

Ready to Hire Video

The purpose of this employment video is to provide a tool which will assist those who advocate for individuals with Down syndrome as they search for employment.  A few years ago a national study was conducted to identify how people with developmental disabilities found their jobs and, overwhelmingly, the number one factor (40%) was through family networking.  Please feel free to share this video with potential employers on behalf of the person in your life with Down syndrome for whom you care so deeply.  Our hope is that this video might open some minds to the potential of the extraordinary people we know with Down syndrome.