Early Matters (ages 0 - 5)

The Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati helps families assemble the building blocks necessary at every step of development as they construct a fulfilling life for their child.  These blocks are comprised of emotional support, information, education and connection opportunities.  The Early Matters Program is designed to assist new and expectant parents as they begin their journey of caring for their baby in each of these areas.  Typically, parents are looking for support with issues related to gross motor skill development, transition into kindergarten, communication skill development and social connections.  We offer a variety of information and support to families with children ages birth to five years old in the Early Matters Program.

Our Early Matters Coordinator:
Personally meets with families whenever needed and offer continuous emotional support.
Introduces families to local agencies, such as the Thomas Center for Down Syndrome, early intervention programs, and county services.
Provides consistent quality programs focusing on speech, language, feeding, motor, and sensory function.
Connects families to each other through in-person opportunities, online chat groups, and more.
Educates and advocates for patients with Down syndrome by meeting with health professionals, especially those that deliver a diagnosis of Down syndrome and/or care for children with Down syndrome.
Fosters relationships with school-age families and provides support however it is needed.
Early Matters Coordinator Contact Information

Maggie Ranz